Chemical (Hazard) Signs

Internationally recognized symbols are required on packages, vehicles, tankers and freight containers for all modes of transport of dangerous goods. Hazard warning diamonds are used in the transport of all dangerous goods by road, sea and air. These signs should be displayed when the hazard poses an imminent threat which could result in severe injury or even death. They enable employees and visitors to take adequate safety measures to avoid personal injury. When warning of a danger you can never be too clear.  It is recommended to supplement the text on some signs with a warning image. For instance some of the common warning symbols used on the signs are skull (poisonous) dead fish/tree (hazardous waste). There can be times when a hazard sign is vital even if it is not required by law. This can reduce any possibility of an accident or a fall in the case of difficult weather conditions. For maximum effect these signs should be designed to show this warning message through text, symbol and colour. We carry a large selection of hazardous signs all of which comply with ISO 7010, an international standard which ensures consistency across different hazard and safety signs. The combination of colours and symbols is designed to be easily understandable, without too much reliance on wording. It is always food to understand your hazard signs.  All of our signs are suitable for indoor and outdoor use. For more information regarding our signs please contact us at